Knitting for Beginners

Learn how to knit

Learn the basics of knitting - the cast-on, the knit stitch, the purl stitch, and the bind-off.

This is a “hallway track” class - it’s not meant for being held in a specific room at a specific time for tens of students all at once. Rather, it’s meant for the instructor to find a comfy spot and set up a sign that reads, “Free Knitting Lesson,” and stay in that location for most of the day giving one-on-one instruction as people walk up and say, “Yes, I want to learn how to knit!”

Why teach this way? Knitting lessons work better if they’re one-on-one or close to that. If ten people who want to learn all arrive at once, as many as nine of them will have to wait until the first person has been set up and walked through the first lesson several times.

What does “hallway track” refer to? It’s a term for the things you learn and the people you meet in the hallways of the event venue, rather than in the formal, scheduled talks.